
this message may be offensive
Felt like I needed to share even though I'm not active at all anymore...
          	Here's my new poem, I haven't written one in like 4 months so I really felt like I needed. Anyways, here goes nothing.
          	"How are you?"
          	I've always avoided this question.
          	I've always written poems as if I was talking to someone.
          	And that someone is me.
          	And she wants to speak up today.
          	She wants to answer 16 years of "how are you?"
          	How do I feel...
          	It may not be enough, but for what I know, I feel like I want to scream my trauma.
          	When I picture it in my head, it's all dark and black, it crawls on your skin, it takes you, chokes you and kills you softly over a sad song, leaving bruises at night.
          	Then you remember the other side. You remember the smiles, the beach, the old Polaroids, the history repeating itself.
          	But look deep inside thos memories and you'll see how hurt she was back then.
          	Then it's pitch black again. You vaguely see some scars and think "what the hell am I doing?!" You see some scribbled books and realize it's your own writing, you see some blood on the bathroom floor and think about the hours you wasted, crying.
          	You then observe your countless tries at trying to get better, sometimes... Sometimes you see some joy.
          	An ice cream.
          	A laugh.
          	A hug.
          	But you reckon it's all fake.
          	Because you've been deceived too many times.
          	I...have been deceived too many times.
          	I know how much a summer can fuck u up.
          	But I know I not alone in this.
          	This is my closure.


this message may be offensive
Felt like I needed to share even though I'm not active at all anymore...
          Here's my new poem, I haven't written one in like 4 months so I really felt like I needed. Anyways, here goes nothing.
          "How are you?"
          I've always avoided this question.
          I've always written poems as if I was talking to someone.
          And that someone is me.
          And she wants to speak up today.
          She wants to answer 16 years of "how are you?"
          How do I feel...
          It may not be enough, but for what I know, I feel like I want to scream my trauma.
          When I picture it in my head, it's all dark and black, it crawls on your skin, it takes you, chokes you and kills you softly over a sad song, leaving bruises at night.
          Then you remember the other side. You remember the smiles, the beach, the old Polaroids, the history repeating itself.
          But look deep inside thos memories and you'll see how hurt she was back then.
          Then it's pitch black again. You vaguely see some scars and think "what the hell am I doing?!" You see some scribbled books and realize it's your own writing, you see some blood on the bathroom floor and think about the hours you wasted, crying.
          You then observe your countless tries at trying to get better, sometimes... Sometimes you see some joy.
          An ice cream.
          A laugh.
          A hug.
          But you reckon it's all fake.
          Because you've been deceived too many times.
          I...have been deceived too many times.
          I know how much a summer can fuck u up.
          But I know I not alone in this.
          This is my closure.


I lost myself.
          Surfing through this mass of people,
          It's been hours
          But she's still nowhere to be found.
          I wish someone in this crowd would extand their hand
          To me, like the hope I used to know ;
          Hold me in their arms ;
          Tell me it's gonna be okay and believe it.
          Red hair, brown freckles on her soft skin, beautiful face, gentle hands I want to hold, relatably complexing chest, exquisite thighs I imagine under her long skirt, small nose, defined lips I'm not even staring at, imperfect perfection and perfect imperfections I'd gladly embrace.
          You are here now
          And suddenly I don't need to find myself again.
          She was always here
          Watching, she just changed :
          She decided to smile.


omgggg im so not active but  NEED to talk about this!!
          So basically, earlier, we were talking about breasts sides with like my kind of ex best friend, her friend and my friend. Anyways, they all have quite big b00bs (but not too much, just the perfect size I'd want yk cause i have the smallest size existing and this, since i bought my bra in 7th grade lmao)
          And i was soooo uncomfortable cause basically they also all had wide low-cuts, revealing a lot and I just- :,)
          And one of them(prolly the one i dont like) made us notice like "Oh but look at us, we're all watching at each others' boobs yk lmao hahaha" and I looked at my big t-shirt not revealing anything(there'd be nothing to reveal anyways) AND THAT TRAUMA like the hatred i have about my small breast and everything buried deep inside me since i had more important problems to deal with, they just awoke from the dead or smth -_-
          "Don't worry, they're gonna grow soon" 
          "You know some b00bs grow later on some girls"
          "I think small b00bs are cute"
          "All sizes are fine tbh"
          Let me die in peace?! Please??? That was so annoying fr... They won't ever get even a glimpse of my thoughts when i see all those 6th graders having bigger boobs than my future *ded*




@ loufocalovegood22    Humm idk too TwT


@D_a_W_n_I_e RIGHT HERE!! But uh may i ask, who are you? Sorry it's been a long time since I last connected i don't remember most of the people i used to chat with TwT


Hey merci du follow !


L'histoire où je faisais que de la merde là ? XD
            Ton pseudo me dit qqchose yep !
            Mais tu es très certainement qqn de bien pour me trouver incroyable (⁠◡ ◡⁠)


@WillySolace hey hey! Jsp si tu te souviens de moi mais en fait on était sur une histoire commune en mode école Harry Potter y'a genre 2 ans? Fin bref juste je trouve t'es incroyable donc voilà voilà <333


          Ca va bientôt faire 2 ans que je suis sur wattpad le temps passe vite mdr
          Enfin quand même j'aimerais remercier tous ceux qui suivent encore un minimum mon compte parce que c vide on va pas se mentir j'ai l'impression de pas avoir d'abonnés bahaha
          But anywae j'ai passé plein de fous rires ici, j'ai rencontré des gens qui m'ont aidé à surpasser des épreuves et à tenir le coup, quand j'avais personne j'avais ici et je peux suivre mon évolution en remontant tout ce que j'ai
          J'ai rencontré surtout 5 personnes incroyable dont mon premier amour. Pendant ma légère dépression cet année j'ai fait une grande pause de wattpad et d'elles mais maintenant j'aimerais les retrouver parce que je vais beaucoup mieux et il me manque un peu de soleil comme ces personnes là dans ma vie
          Si vous passez par là, les crazy queens je crois qu'on s'appelait je vous aime et bah j'ai changé de compte pinterest et de tel tout ça donc je pouvais plus vrmt vous recontacter mais je suis la de nouveau et en pleine forme pour vous faire chier heheee !


@ loufocalovegood22  On est archi contentes que tu reviennes !! 
            Joyeux Wattyversaire <3


@loufocalovegood22 presque joyeux wattyversaire <3 good to have you back :)