
Collab on werefolf stories?


I see your gaze as it meets mine. I turn away. Nanou is my future. Nanou is my rock. Nanou can make asmr sounds with her ankles. I call your parents and tell them that you plan to commit heinous crimes of terrorism. They disown you and adopt me. I then start a sustainable fishing company and make millions.


I sob hopelessly.  How could i have been so dumb to fall in love with a man who is in love with Nanou? I could never be half the woman she is. Like Bella from Twilight after Edward left, I race to the nearest cliff and jump, face still bleeding from the nunchuck wound. Before I can die, a fellow wolf jumps in and drags me safely to the shore. As I’m walking back to my house, I see a couple on the beach. A closer look, and I realize. It’s Nanou and Barry…


I walk away slowly because I hate that song. But it’s all a trick. I pull out my nunchucks and start spinning them. I show you my karate form and you fall in love with me. But my mind goes back to Belgium. My mind goes back…to Nanou. Oh my love, my darling Nanou. I pop you in the face with my chucks rendering you useless. I steal your “ fresh kicks” and start running.