
Hello lovelies! For the longest time this account has been dead and I don't think I will resume writing ever, I'm sorry to disappoint. My stories are open to translations if anyone wants to translate them, just please give credit. All my love x


Sad to see you go! I’ve read two of your stories both of them I have loved so much! I hope we will see you again sometime in the future :)) 



Hello lovelies! For the longest time this account has been dead and I don't think I will resume writing ever, I'm sorry to disappoint. My stories are open to translations if anyone wants to translate them, just please give credit. All my love x


Sad to see you go! I’ve read two of your stories both of them I have loved so much! I hope we will see you again sometime in the future :)) 


          I saw you are a new author, and i just wanted to let you know that your stories are great! :)
          I'm not trying to insult you, but some of the chapters need a little editing (I really don't want to hurt you so if i did, sorry). Anyway, you're doing amazing ☺️


Hello lovelies! I am so sorry I havent updated in a while, you see my mental health has been up n down, but we're all a little crazy so its okay. I was wondering, what story would you prefer I update first? Let me know please <3


@louisssmolbean Any because they are all good!


Hey lovelies! So I just found out someone was translating my book with out asking me first or giving me credit, so I asked them to take it down. Please keep in mind, I would love it for people to translate my stories, but ask first <3


Hey lovelies! I have a quick announcement. I've decided to make a new bad guy for my book jealousy.  I just can't find the guts to make Ashton a bad guy I just love him so much, he will end up with someone else. So if you could recommend names or characters of who you would like the bad guy to be. (Not Nick nor Stan) 


@Blue_Bellflower something against names with k? 


@louisssmolbean how about Arthur? Klaud? Krist?