
"I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction."
          	Shatter Me, 
          	Tahereh Mafi


"I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction."
          Shatter Me, 
          Tahereh Mafi


"why do you think you're incapable of bein loved when all you do is write about it?"
          "i don't think i could ever be loved by someone. i can't fathrom the fact that there would be someone out there who would look at me like ive arranged the stars in the sky.
          The feeling only worsens when i look around me. i see people madly in love and wonder if something is wrong with me. and i come to the conclusion that people like me are only capable of lcoing and not being loved. we spread love in every corner of this world so no other person would have to endure this torment. its bittersweet you know. to be the typ of love you've been searching your entire life."


♬ And oh, I'm so tense, never tenser, could all go a bit Frank Spencer
          And I'm talkin' gibberish, tip of the tongue but I can't deliver it
          Properly, oh, it's all gettin' on top of me
          And if it weren't this dark, you'd see how red my face has gone, yeah ♬