The story follows Tom Love, as Tom began his journey and life as a Viking in 1271, who is traveling through time via modifying genetics. At the beginning of the travel, Tom welded together various base metals to form artifacts to use as implements, guiding the philosopher with precision. These alchemical tools serves as mechanisms which enables Tom to accurately predict the weather as a prophetic ability amongst others. Within the book is a philosophical underpinning of the theories, by Friedrich Hegel, and referenced Wallace Wattles, and his book 'The Science of Getting Rich'. The Viking who is also a preacher, and protagonist in the story, goes on to teach other characters, the method to receive Love, Health and Wealth in a series of magical events and sermons through to the year 2078. As a member of the Monistic Society of Philosophical and Metaphysical Thinkers, Tom embarks on a journey to bring the great secret of life to all.