
Current status: Taken
Currently probably insulting someone

I love all of the boys equally,
Running a Louis account doesn't change anything.
  • IscrittoJune 17, 2017

Ultimo messaggio
louisupdates louisupdates May 30, 2018 06:58AM
 since I suck at updating i'll just be a regular fan account woooh
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Storie di fan account
♡ random shit ♡ di louisupdates
♡ random shit ♡
I definitely need a book to update random shit lol
♡ updates ♡ di louisupdates
♡ updates ♡
Louis Tomlinson updates
♡ facts ♡ di louisupdates
♡ facts ♡
I have way too many books but yeah
1 Elenco di lettura
