
omg i haven’t been on here in so long


people are being so rude on isa’s message board…like y’all don’t have any ownership over their books. i understand being upset but some people are acting like they own those books and are entitled to them. u do not. they are isa’s books and they can do what they want with them. ALSO as if being rude and demanding would ever get them to put the books back u silly geese. anywho do what u want and keep slaying @USERINVALIDTRYAGAIN


@harryisliteralart no fr bc i would love to have the books back obviously but like i recognize that i don’t own them and i don’t have the right to just demand they put them back up. it’s just rude really and i know it would be so fcking annoying to be in isa’s place


@louluvsavocados PERIOD!!!!! i saw that and was like “what the duck” like i want the books back as much as the rest of them but i also respect isas decision in taking them down. ik they wouldn’t like it if they wrote a bunch of books and then took them down and then people start harassing them. if you wouldn’t like it if it happened to you then don’t do it to isa


my throat feels swollen should i be worried?


@harryisliteralart i’m just gonna wait and see if i’m dead tmrw if not it’s whatever 


@louluvsavocados maybe go to the doctor just incase though


@louluvsavocados nah i think you’re good 