Hi everyone!
I am posting this message in English as I would like to reach anyone who might be interested in this offer.
In addition to be a reader and a writer as a pastime (full of ideas, I am not writing really everything new at the moment, tho), I am a young translator (ENG, SPA, FR > IT) who would love to practice her skills by translating interesting stories from to the above-mentioned linguistic combinations. Moreover, I would love to translate anything about, but not limited to:
- Marvel
- Star Wars
- Timothée Chalamet
- etc.
That being said, if you have a good story and you wish to expand your audience of readers, do not hesitate to contact me! ;)
P.s. IT: ai lettori italiani, se conoscete qualche storia in inglese che desiderate venga tradotta in italiano, taggate l'autore e scrivete il titolo della storia rispondendo sotto nella sezione commenti.