
@AllOurHearts omg thank you. ;o


@lous_bum WHOOO!!!! BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME AS THE SMURFITUDE MASTER I HEREBY DECLARE THAT U HAVE SMURFITUDE!!!! XD but seriously - the smurfs r one if the best things ever! And yes, epicest is a word :P [well it is no anyway and anyone who says otherwise she be decapitated... ok that's extreme so I'll go with I'll ninjafy them with my frying pan]


OMG THE SMURFS R EPIC!!!! allow me to introduce myself, I go by many names, including Smurfitude Master, Frying Pan Monster, Smurf Queen and even Nikkio the Biccio just to name a few :P
          Ok so that was weird and I'm gonna start again.
          Hiya! I'm Nikki (aka Eris :P) thanks for fanning dude! Welcome to my Dream Team! ^.^