
the way i haven’t watched tdi23 yet STILL. ik there’s like a second season out pretty sure. i have somehow still avoided all spoilers for both seasons. i’ve watched the first few eps of tdi23 s1 but i lost motivation cuz the website i was on was so bad. 


the way i haven’t watched tdi23 yet STILL. ik there’s like a second season out pretty sure. i have somehow still avoided all spoilers for both seasons. i’ve watched the first few eps of tdi23 s1 but i lost motivation cuz the website i was on was so bad. 


the way i’ve watched total drama 23” but then stopped because i got confused bc like 3 campers were eliminated when i was watching the next episode and i was totally lost because i never saw any of them leave n so then i was spoiled by accident and i didn’t have the motivation to find the missing episodes i misssed so yeah. no one tell me the ending because i still don’t know who won!


@louvroq you've done well to get this far without spoilers lol


You gotta be careful cuz when I was like 2 episodes in someone out of the blue replied to an innocent comment I made by saying who won 


the new total drama szn which i completely forgot about now has a poster??!?!? is this about to ignite my total drama phase again??? we’ll have to see


@louvroq yeah I saw it!! I'm very excited 


@That0neDrFan i saw it on tiktok but u can probably just search “total drama new season” and it’ll come up


@louvroq Where can I find the poster?