
The Backstory part of more than bargained for is more interesting to me than the main plot and it’s causing problems with me writing cause I just wanna talk about the backstory but that isn’t even supposed to truly be discussed until way later and your only supposed to get its and pieces.
          	The molly chapters is your first glimpse into the past and honestly it covers so much without giving you too much context to spoil things later.
          	Anyways I’m gonna write


The Backstory part of more than bargained for is more interesting to me than the main plot and it’s causing problems with me writing cause I just wanna talk about the backstory but that isn’t even supposed to truly be discussed until way later and your only supposed to get its and pieces.
          The molly chapters is your first glimpse into the past and honestly it covers so much without giving you too much context to spoil things later.
          Anyways I’m gonna write


Hey guys
          So I’m alive
          I know, shocking right?
          So- quick update on me
          Starting to think seasonal depression is real.
          Broke up with my girlfriend and overall everything is pretty not the best.
          Forgot I had Wattpad honestly
          Gonna write some more this week
          Can’t guarantee anything but hey I’m back
          Alright kisses


Man oh man has boy next door been getting a lot of attention rn oh my god-
          Also hey I’m alive.
          So the amount of writers block I’ve been experiencing has made new chapters for any of my stories pretty hard so sorry I’ve been so quiet. A lot’s been going on in my personal life but I will say I have been a lot better! And I may or may not have a partner now so I’m just having a grand old time.
          The boy next door hasn’t been updated in like a year but all the attention it’s getting is making me think I should update it- so I’m gonna try to get some stuff down, but I can’t promise anything too soon
          Love you! Mwah mwah!


Okay, so there are currently a grand total of three new chapters for ‘More than bargained for’.
          And I’m working hard to get them out. Here’s the only issue:
          I wrote all of them completely out of order, and the only one that needs to be finished is the first one- so…yeah
          Unfortunately the way I write a story is I know PARTS of what’s gonna happen. Not all of it has been pre-written in my head. So unfortunately I’m having some pretty bad writers block with some parts.
          We are getting introduced to two major characters though! Along with the beginning of very important backstory that we will slowly learn more about….
          That doesn’t look as cool as it does in my head, ANYWHO this got long- so I’m gonna just post it
          Love you all! Mwah mwah!