
@BridgeBridgewater I finally finished Rochester and I loved it. I felt like I was inside of him and then Lizbet experiencing everything as it happened! I loved that it was Tom that brought the her father's story to her, I was for a minute afraid it was the rake Henry.......I so enjoyed this and will probably read again!


Hi lovable40484,
          Thank you very much indeed for all your recent votes on Benjamin Bridgewater's story. I am so glad that you have enjoyed it so much to vote so generously, and thank you for taking an interest in my work.
          You were also a great supporter of my other Wattpad story 'Rochester' Unveiled, which as you will see is now published under the title of 'Of Ink, Wit and Intrigue, Lord Rochester in Chains of Quicksilver', as an e-book with the paperback coming out in March. Below is my publisher's author web page link, if you would wish to read a little more about me and my work.
          Bridge Bridgewater.


Hi lovable40484.
          Thank you for following and I am so pleased that you have finished Rochester's story and enjoyed it so much. I added the Epilogue sometime after I had completed writing the story as I felt the original ending needed further explanation and I think it worked well as an added bonus to Rochester's story. Thank you once again for your wonderful support of my work and if you do read it again, Bon Voyage.
          Bridge Bridgewater


@BridgeBridgewater I finally finished Rochester and I loved it. I felt like I was inside of him and then Lizbet experiencing everything as it happened! I loved that it was Tom that brought the her father's story to her, I was for a minute afraid it was the rake Henry.......I so enjoyed this and will probably read again!