
are you going to continue catxreader?


@dazaikinie Yeah so did I. Makes me real sad that barely anyone writes CatxReader stories. Like I genuinely thirst for it, but no one is writing it. And if they do, then it's always SpencerxCatxReader which just isn't the same. I want some good'ol lesbian action with Cat, and only Cat x3 


@Alliebutt honestly yeah there are barely any and I really liked the beginning 


@dazaikinie I personally hope so. Not enough CatxReader out there. 


First comment on your wall? Wowza huh? I really enjoyed Queen of Hearts, and figured I'd tell you. It was a nice change of pace to get to be the actual killer for a change. It gave the story more emotional impact, because we knew it wouldn't be a happy ending for us. We knew that things would end badly, which somehow at least in my case amplified the emotional impact when it actually did end badly. Hope to see more of your work on Wattpad in the future!