
thank you to everyone that has left me kind messages over the past week! so sorry about not getting back to any! i've been busy and then away from my computer so thank you for everyone's patience!
          	i'm going to try and answer everyone's questions and messages tomorrow so i can give the best answers possible!!!


thank you to everyone that has left me kind messages over the past week! so sorry about not getting back to any! i've been busy and then away from my computer so thank you for everyone's patience!
          i'm going to try and answer everyone's questions and messages tomorrow so i can give the best answers possible!!!


          okay so…where to begin. so i say that i’d be back with an update at the end of july and i’ve gone past that so i’ll be saying it now. 
          first of all, i know that some of you saw that i was accepted into university a couple of weeks ago, yeah that’s not happening anymore, purely due to the fact that modern day colleges still don’t know how to accommodate for chronic illnesses and hidden disability. so i’m now looking for another university to accept me. it’s been a very anxious time that has been filled with a lot of stress, tears and frustration. i feel so let down and hurt so i definitely have not been thinking about fandom rn as you can imagine.
          and secondly, i don’t know how long this hiatus is going to be! i have to admit that i have lost interest in writing it, i don’t feel like my full story or characters were ever read to their full potential and i don’t know if anybody ever liked them or related to them. this might not be the case but it has led me to feel very insecure about my writing and my characters, and i feel as if i must have written them wrong for such low interaction about them. 
          it has led to me finding ideas to write in other fandoms and even original work ranging from cheesy romances to high fantasy. at the moment i need to focus on what i can creatively write instead of just staring at the blank page for hours nearly in tears thinking that i can’t reach the word count and i don’t know if anyone likes it anyway. 
          so i hope everyone can understand that for now all gnr fic is on hold. this could change in the coming months or next week or maybe never but this is what’s best for me. i wrote this fic in some of the worst periods of my life and it makes revisiting it difficult especially when i think other works would gain more for me, socially and feedback wise. 
          i’m happy for the experience i’ve had writing and if anyone wants to know how the series ended, privately message me and i’ll let you know 
          thank you xxx


@ love-and-rockers  English isn't my first language so sorry if I do any mistakes but I really love your writing and I hope you the best 


awh i’m so sorry this all going on for you now
             i know how it feels to feel insecure about ur work/art u put so much time into and i also know how hard it is to revisit said art after associating it with a tough point in ur life AND i also know how hard it is to listen to those reassuring u ur good enough BUTTTT for what it’s worth i have thoroughly enjoyed ur story and continuously binge read chapter after chapter ur writing certainly relates and means a lot to me if u will never revisit the story again id love to know how it would’ve ended for closure !! 
            thank you for being so open on here with us all :)) good things r coming  xx


i’m going on a little break from updating! 
          okay so…i think that we all know by now that my update schedule has kind of gone out the window over the past couple of months and i think that i’ve reached the point where i just need a little break. i’ll be back by the end of july!!! you can all yell at me if i’m not but i already know that this month is going to be a hectic one, i receive my college/uni application back next week which determines if i’m moving to the other side of the country in september and i’ve still not sorted ANY housing solutions yet and just general life stuff means that finding writing time is difficult. and even when i find that writing time i’ve had quite bad writers block which is just making me more stressed and i’d like some “creative freedom” if you will for me to re-find writing for a story and characters that i love for a few weeks as i try and sort out my life.
          i also started a new heart medication this week, and if anyone takes any kind of heart rate lowering drug you know they can have some strange side-effects which is really taking some getting used to.
          either way, i’ll still be back by the end of july <3 and my inbox will remain open for any comments or questions or just to chat 
          love y’all


take the time girl coz when u come back after a good break we r getting the best version of ur writing other than something u heads really not in atm i love ur story and will be ready when u next update whenever that may be :)


          so i know i kind of dropped off the face of the earth for the past twelve days and i apologise! but i really needed some me time which included being very very stressed and unwell while also just having to realign some life priorities which include changing this upload schedule. i took june off last year as well to reorganise and reset so i think june is officially my "reset" month
          i announced it on my tumblr but i'm now moving my chapters to every ten days instead of every seven. it's still going to be a regular schedule but it'll just be a little longer between the chapters from now on. i didn't want to have to do this but i just can't keep myself writing to the same pace with the level of fatigue i experience every day, i have bad tachycardia and tachypnoea which makes existing quite difficult.
          i hope you can all understand but i hope you still continue to enjoy the content i put forward <33
          so the next chapter "AXL III" will be released on Tuesday night, 13/06 and then it will be ten days from then! 
          thank you all for reading and understanding, luv u all xxx


@love-and-rockers just fully caught up with Girlfriend in a Coma this morning on Ao3, its fantastic! Looking forward to future chapters when they come along, particularly looking forward to seeing what happens with Steven and when Axl finally comes face to face with him! Thankfully Axl has been relieved of his gun though. Thanks for your writing, I love it!


@mmmmillieeee hi <3 either tonight or tomorrow i think! my update schedule is all over the place at the moment because life is! i'm applying for university for this september which has taken up so much time and just general low motivation and writers block, so i just haven't been writing as much recently, but it should be before friday x


hi just wondering when the next chapter is no rush just wondering :)


          again, very sorry for the delay in this chapter! life has not been that easy the past few days and from an intense illness, more uni problems and general business i definitely didn't write as much as i should have! i hope to have a clearer schedule soon but chapters should always be every ten days at the max!
          anyway, i hope you enjoy axl's chapter! the next one is a very intense one so hold onto your seat. if you have any opinions or questions please comment them or come over to my tumblr, i'd love to chat!
          love u xxxx


          okay, so i'm going to have to move tomorrow's chapter to tomorrow because, okay, i am currently in the process of moving universities which is pretty difficult to be ready for september and involves a lot of stressful emails that have kind of been absorbing all my energy and time the past couple of weeks. 
          i really want to start writing more to get a head and not be leaving chapter writing until four am but at the moment that just isn't the case. i hope you all can understand just how important it is that i sort out my life, this year has so far been a disaster for me mentally tbh, so this chapter will be a day late!
          again so sorry but it's a really important chapter! literally probably the most important one in the book so far and i'm sure a lot of you will have opinions on it, so i can't wait for those! 
          again, apologies for the schedule change, 


          andy's back again and it's another heavy one between her and axl, so just a head's up! the next one up i yoko and it will be quite dramatic and i can't wait to see what you guys think of it!
          i live for all you comments, votes and questions so please let me know what you think!!!


          sorry for the delay but she's out now! it's andy's first chapter and it's one of my personal faves as we dig back into her character after a bit of a narrative shift. i hope you all love it!
          as always feedback is appreciated and if you ever want to chat come over to my tumblr @love-and-rockers. hopefully next week we're back to our regular schedule!!


          i'm so sorry everyone but tonight's chapter will be moved over to tomorrow. i really though i could do it but i lost quite a lot of writing time to more medical problems again this week, spending all of friday waiting for a hospital appointment definitely caused a hit to the schedule!
          again so sorry but everything should be back on track by next week! i'm really proud of this chapter though so i hope everyone enjoys it! 
          love u all and thank you for your patience xxx