
@pantherox I know it's been 2months but in reply to your comment I can't. My computer had a meltdown and i had to system restore it so I lost everything. I only just realised :( so yeah, bare with me and I will try and upload soon.


Just dropped in to ask you to read my book 'The Virtual Side of Reality'. Its like a Sci-Fi book which I'm entering for the Watty Awards. I really need the comments and reviews on it. 
          While you're at it, I'd really appriciate it if you check out my other works. They might seem like a lot but they're not long. 
          Vote, Comment and Fan (If you like it!!!)
          I'd return a favor if you do so as soon as possible.


I was wondering if you had time on your hands if you could read my story called My Guardian Angel. I really think it has potential to be amazing and I'd love any type of feedback like comments or votes. And maybe if you really like it you could become a fan :D So I hope you read my story!


hi i hope you don't mind if i ask you to read some of my stories and poems? some of them are pretty short so it'll only take you a minute or more to read it. i'll appreciate some constructive criticism...and please vote if you like it! thanks a lot! <3


Hey there! 
          If you've got some extra, bored, time; I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto ri es and comment on it! (voti ng , f anning, and whatever ar e a ll o ptional, its the revi ews I nee d!) I'd love to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig ht annoy you, but anything i s greatly appreciated! Thanks f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra ns pl ant to Manhattan, obsess ive to p student who actually pro cras tinates everything, and b ound of Ivy; future care erist and c urrent fortune tel ler. U ntil-- that is--she fin ds out everyth ing she aced is more o r less a ben trevato-- so good bye model student and strivin g socialit e--and hell o demons layer/alche mist and automatic industry ty coon--t hat is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elves. Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savvy mega­corpo rati ons, of underworld crimin al ru le, resistance in this m obocra cy is futile wh en your King ca n be your dish washer i n one da y. Intergala ctic best seller an d future O ligarch, K ronos fød t av Mø rke’skala soon finds out ho w his fickl e world migh t cha nge--with his help too. 
          Pride, Prestige, and The Undead--Okay, what can I say? If you're intersted in financially and/or politically powerful teens (but mostly not snobby) who go to and elite boarding school but find themselves slaying zombies instead, this is definitely the story for you! And there's the much less-used African myths and shamans involved :3 
          P.S. I know you get a lot of these, but I'll say it; I really don't think my main characters are Mary Sues & Gary Stus, they aren't gorgeous, extremely talented, maybe have one talent, but that's it. My stories also are not centered around one cliche relationship between two gorgeous people or whatever, and I really hope you can try comment! 
          Thank you for the time!


Hey. I know this is a lot to ask but could you take a peek at my story - arms of refuge. Only got one chapter up at the moment and is a work in progress. Would greatly appreciate it. Any comments, votes would be appreciated also. I'll return the favor ofc if you just comment on mine I'll know you read it etc. Thanks in advance. 
          PS - I've also written 9 chapters of another story called predestined. Would greatly appreciate if you'd peek that too. ^_^