
          	Hi everyone!
          	What I'm about to explain in this announcement might upset some people and potentially turn some of you away from my stories. I ask you to read this message all the way through before leaving. 
          	My entire life I have been raised Catholic in my family, however, I never truly felt a connection with God. As many of you know I have gone through numerous surgical procedures in my life that have caused a tremendous amount of pain and stress for me both mentally and physically. These surgeries stretched over the course of about seven years and these years have been quite the roller coaster! With that being said, recently I have delved into my faith and I'm beyond excited that I have found God on my own accord. I'm much happier now than I've ever been and I want to stay that way! I've put a lot of thought into my account here on Wattpad and I've decided I don't want to leave! I genuinely enjoy writing stories for you all, and I won't be stopping any time soon. 
          	Why am I telling you this? Well, now I'm trying my best to stay true to my faith which means I will be HEAVILY editing all of my stories that are currently being updated. I want this to be clear to all of you that what I write is strictly fantasy NOTHING ELSE. These stories won't contain any detailed smut because that contradicts my beliefs. HOWEVER, I won't be changing the story's plots. These stories will not be heavily religious nor will you feel that I'm shoving any of my beliefs down your throats. But my characters will have values that you may or may not agree with so if this upsets you feel free to stop reading. 
          	Right now I'll try to edit and continue updating the best I can so I appreciate all the love and support you guys have been giving me. I ask you to please be patient and to give my new writing style a chance! I'll be giving a more detailed explanation of my changes at the beginning of each book as they are all different. 
          	Let me know if you have any questions!


Thanks, I really appreciate it!


Is anything for you princess being reuploaded? Because I swear I’ve read those chapters before?


Oh makes sense. I thought I was crazy hahaha


Yes I’m sorry for not seeing this sooner. I decided I didn’t like how most of the book was written so I’m rewriting/heavily editing everything. The storyline won’t change much so if you’d rather wait until the chapters are caught up feel free!


Somethings wrong with your book or anything for you princess it's not letting me access it to read the up date and its saying there is only 4 parts to it I dunno what to do 


@LaurenBennett204 that's good ahah was worried you were redoing the whole book and a different storyline to it but that fine really am enjoying it 


@LaurenBennett204  yes, technically you won't miss anything if you didn't re-read the chapters I'm reposting. 
            @XxValDayxX Thank you for the kind words they mean a lot!


@love_250 is it still gonna be the same story line as before or completely different  really enjoyed this story so I do hope not alot has changed 


          Hi everyone!
          What I'm about to explain in this announcement might upset some people and potentially turn some of you away from my stories. I ask you to read this message all the way through before leaving. 
          My entire life I have been raised Catholic in my family, however, I never truly felt a connection with God. As many of you know I have gone through numerous surgical procedures in my life that have caused a tremendous amount of pain and stress for me both mentally and physically. These surgeries stretched over the course of about seven years and these years have been quite the roller coaster! With that being said, recently I have delved into my faith and I'm beyond excited that I have found God on my own accord. I'm much happier now than I've ever been and I want to stay that way! I've put a lot of thought into my account here on Wattpad and I've decided I don't want to leave! I genuinely enjoy writing stories for you all, and I won't be stopping any time soon. 
          Why am I telling you this? Well, now I'm trying my best to stay true to my faith which means I will be HEAVILY editing all of my stories that are currently being updated. I want this to be clear to all of you that what I write is strictly fantasy NOTHING ELSE. These stories won't contain any detailed smut because that contradicts my beliefs. HOWEVER, I won't be changing the story's plots. These stories will not be heavily religious nor will you feel that I'm shoving any of my beliefs down your throats. But my characters will have values that you may or may not agree with so if this upsets you feel free to stop reading. 
          Right now I'll try to edit and continue updating the best I can so I appreciate all the love and support you guys have been giving me. I ask you to please be patient and to give my new writing style a chance! I'll be giving a more detailed explanation of my changes at the beginning of each book as they are all different. 
          Let me know if you have any questions!


Thanks, I really appreciate it!