
By the way, if you haven't read Always the Bride by @LisaStanbridge, you haven't lived! I talk about her marvelous work in one of my blog posts! So check it out! 


Hey guys! So some of you who enjoy reading The Lost Lover's Column are super excited that after 6 months there's been 3 updates! As most of y'all know I am also in the process of writing Being the Boss, and I've found that as inspiration for one book increases, inspiration for the other decreases. And that's what has been happening, I think it's kinda weird, but hey I'm not gunna fight the system. All I can say is that I've been waiting to write these last couple of chapters for TLLC and I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for being patient with me and for sticking it out thus far! Y'all rock!!


I just wanted to apologize to all my readers who have been waiting patiently for chapter updates! College is such a new experience and I've neglected something that I shouldn't have, and I'm so sorry! I promise that I will try to get some chapters out, but I also won't compromise quality over quantity. I want you to enjoy what you read! I love you guys!


SOOOO I almost peed my pants because I haven't been on Wattpad for like a week and come back to 1250 votes!! What the actual heck!!! I love all of y'all and I'm SUPER thankful!


@love_dance_live  also undererebos is saderaser I'm not some weirdo I promise.


@love_dance_live  don't pee your pants love, you've done very well in your winding of fictional tales.