Dude you cannot just stop a book at chapter 2 and end it with a cliff hanger that doesn't make the whole book look good at all... So MAKE MORE CHAPTERS!!!! You know which book I'm talking about!
Hola perdón por molestar, aunque ya haciéndolo ... Estoy escribiendo mi primera historia y desearía enormemente que pudieras pasar a leerla. Se titula «Insane Mind» y estaría agradecida con tus votos, comentarios y que agregues a tu biblioteca... Me encantaría saber tu opinión *-* Perdón por molestar nuevamente ... http://w.tt/1LKKq5Z
Besos y abrazos ☺
Hi, can u please continue writing ur book 'I'm powerful and rejected' cause I really love it! If not, could you're commend some books similar to yours please, with the hiding of wolves and they have powers. Thanks xx