
Grow out of it. I like your style, no need to hide and be shy, no one is going to know who you are unless you put your name all over the place, It is like a masquerade ball, no one knows who is behind the mask. I used to be like you, now, the more negative comments i get, the bigger my ego and confidence.
          Please continue. =]


Oh come on. 
          1. Ur not gonna be discovered anytime soon with the amount of ppl u know on here... (Seeing as im ur only friend on here so far, let alone follower)
          2. Bubs give it a break, u have time to improve ur writing and i bet its not half bad ok? And im not telling u how to unpublish it, kay :)
          3. Ur too big for ur hermit hole, grow out of it


1. I like how things r >.<
            2. True
            3. Fine, ill go to my hidy hole instead