
this message may be offensive
life fucking sucks lately. i hate being an adult. i’ve been one for almost 5 years (23 this april) and it hasn’t gotten any easier


@Grohlizm_  Yo bro, I dont know you but also there is a bad side to that too. Im 24 and have spent almost 8 years of my life partying and getting drunk/druggin. I have nothing to show for it besides needed rehab and having no true connectionz because everyone was always high or drunk. Now I'm sober with no friends bc they all either died or can't quit. 


Sorry for the rant 


Same…I’m 25 and I feel like I haven’t had fun yet like it’s not fair, I wanna be like Our Idols How they were in their 20’s…Getting Drunk,partying,Having adult Fun. I feel like im just wasting it and Falling into deep depression cause I have no good friends that wanna hang out.


this message may be offensive
life fucking sucks lately. i hate being an adult. i’ve been one for almost 5 years (23 this april) and it hasn’t gotten any easier


@Grohlizm_  Yo bro, I dont know you but also there is a bad side to that too. Im 24 and have spent almost 8 years of my life partying and getting drunk/druggin. I have nothing to show for it besides needed rehab and having no true connectionz because everyone was always high or drunk. Now I'm sober with no friends bc they all either died or can't quit. 


Sorry for the rant 


Same…I’m 25 and I feel like I haven’t had fun yet like it’s not fair, I wanna be like Our Idols How they were in their 20’s…Getting Drunk,partying,Having adult Fun. I feel like im just wasting it and Falling into deep depression cause I have no good friends that wanna hang out.


Hey, I’ve read like all of your books and I was wondering how you got them to be so popular? I’m trying to make a fanfic about Kurt myself, but so far I only have like 11 views (that’s embarrassing to admit lol)… Oh, also, are you planning on posting ‘this is me trying’ on Wattpad?
          That’s all! (Ps sorry if this sounds different, English isn’t my first language)
          Thank youuu


hi friends! so i know i’ve been mia, and that’s because over the past year, i’ve been sucked into the stranger things fandom!
          (i also graduated from college so that’s cool i guess lmao)
          i’ve been working on a ton of other fics that i’ve been posting on tumblr and ao3 (under the same name as here) so if y’all are open to it, y’all should read my stuff! 
          one of them (“this is me trying” [byler]) kinda blew up and i’m very proud of it <3
          i’m still working on “marigold” and “oh me” though, so pls know i didn’t abandon you guys, my priorities are just kinda all over the place rn lol


@love_kurdt i love this is me tryingggg (im @the.xu.tao. on youtube, you’ve seen me, and on tumblr i am @bylerisendgame105 so ik you’ve seen me cause you’ve interacted with me anygays, k just wanted to say hiii and that i love your storiesss


@love_kurdt I love "oh me" with all my heart bye




@love_kurdt omg I didn't know u responded lmaoo <3 you're welcomeeee


wait aw you are so sweet. thank u <3


to my “oh me” fans, i’m so sorry— inspiration for “marigold” hit me like a ton of bricks and i had to get it out on paper!! so that ended up being updated first. fear not, though!! “oh me” will be updated soon!