Hey babes!! I'm posting the next chapter for "Forbidden Love" soon. I'll be doing shoutouts in every chapter BUT!! you have to give me an idea for this story!!!!! I'll be doing a Q&A so send questions now!! I'll be answering them in chapter 14. Sorry for such a long wait!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! Love sprinkles

@love_live_taebam hiii I know I’m your babe yea. Yesssss finally its been like a yearrrrr. Okay and of course I’ll help you with your stories. Umm whennn is the next chapter coming out it’s been ages? Are you gonna end the story? Are you going to make more stories? Can you give us a sneak peek or a hit of the next chapter? Why have you been gone so long? Where were you for so long?. Ok thank you I’ll ask so more questions when it come to mind. LUVVV YOU TUU!!! LOVE SPRINKLESSSSSSS