
brainrot is real so just dumped a bunch of cod fanfic on the community here!! maybe one of you over here will enjoy so boom


@loveindefinitely hope you're all good! Just had the same brainrot over COD and found your works, gorgeous writing.


Can’t wait till the next chapter of lust for life drops! Stay safe!


brainrot is real so just dumped a bunch of cod fanfic on the community here!! maybe one of you over here will enjoy so boom


@loveindefinitely hope you're all good! Just had the same brainrot over COD and found your works, gorgeous writing.


Can’t wait till the next chapter of lust for life drops! Stay safe!


free palestine. it's so embarrassing and disappointing seeing some of my favourite artists or celebrities showing support for israel. it's a gut punch tbh


@loveindefinitely I’m looking at everything. I know how bad it is in Israel and in Palestine and it’s horrible for both. But Palestine surprise attacked Israel October 7th. Of course Israel is gonna fight back, it would be stupid to not. I’m just saying Palestine is also massacring innocent children, women and foreigners in Israel. Look at both sides because both are doing wrong. But if Palestine hadn’t attacked Israel out of nowhere October 7th then none of this would have happened. 


@yolocoho babe you still haven't told me what media you're consuming. you ARE aware of the direct similarities between israel's policies etc with another mass genocide that happened some decades back, right? surely you're aware? LOOK at what politicians are siding with israel. if you're a right wing capitalist then I suppose it makes sense why you're on israel's side, but that also acknowledges your lack of social comprehension.


@loveindefinitely that is completely bull. I don’t know what you’re seeing but Palestine is not offering to release hostages. Israel dosent even have hostages so I don’t know where you got that from. And yeah maybe the Palestine death toll is higher but that’s what they signed up for when THEY ATTACKED ISREAL. hamas is also hiding under places like schools and hospitals so if they get attacked the people above them do too. They are using people as human shields. Please do a little more reading on who did what before posting about this. 


Yoyoyo, I found you in a YouTube playlist comment section and your POV was amazing so I decided to follow u. Been reading more of ur stuff and it's FANTASIC. I've been fangirling and squealing for a few hours now 


@loveindefinitely ofc!!! And I will say, I really hope you write more bkdk soon bc they're so so good. You're very talented :) 


@SparkPlugNCello THANK YOU SO MUCH :,))) i forgot i did those haha