Helllloooo! :) 

I'm simply a twenty-year-old girl from the states who is pushing her way through college to eventually become a high school English teacher. :)

It just so happens, two of my passions are writing and Michael Jackson. . .so, here I am! Michael Jackson has been an inspirational figure for me for as long as I can remember. In nearly every form, Michael has a way of inspiring what I do and he even inspires my writing. In fact, I will soon be posting a Michael story I've been working on for months now and I can't wait to let people read it! I'm very anxious to release this little work of mine. :) It's full of love, heartbreak, and well, you'll see the rest. ♡

Also, I wish I could give a big hug to all of my lovely followers for following me! You all mean the world to me. ♡ And I'd like to extend a tremendous *thank you* to every author who writes a story I love; thank you for providing such a sweet escape in the way you write, authors. Your writing makes a difference.

Every single one of you are so incredibly amazing and a blessing to my Wattpad world. ♡

Wattpad is an outlet I'm truly grateful for.

-ღDarby Claire
  • United States
  • JoinedJuly 14, 2016

3 Reading Lists