i love ur writing so much, THE SHORT END OF LONGING IS GUT WRENCHING, i physically can’t read anything else on here bc it’s all bleh compared to yours #ineedthisinrealbook#ineedthismadeintoafilm
Thank you very much for the feedback! I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my work, and I sincerely hope you continue to follow along as I share more stories x
I’m still alive and will be adding new chapters to my story soon! Also, our themes kind of match now with the B&W going on, isn’t that cool?
Thank you for your patience and support! x
Hey there! I really appreciate you checking in. I didn’t realize how many people were following the story. I just needed a little break to gather my thoughts and figure things out. I’ll be posting an update soon—thanks so much for your patience! x
I honestly didn’t expect so many people to care about it, haha. It’s still a work in progress, but new chapters will be up soon. Thanks for hanging in there!