sometimes i put a carrot on a stick and chase my dog around like minecraft

i miss l'manburg.

゙(゚、 。 7  
 じしf_, )ノ

^ say hello to new milo
  • her twitch chat
  • InscritJuly 15, 2019

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lovejoydotcom lovejoydotcom Mar 28, 2021 07:24AM
lemon boy chapter 4 is out <33
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Histoire par bel :))
lemon boy // sleepy bois inc. (ON PAUSE) par lovejoydotcom
lemon boy // sleepy bois inc. (ON...
Based on: Lemon Boy - Cavetown lemon boy | techno, wilbur, philza, and tommy animatic :) - miedaf on YT ...
ranking #467 dans la catégorie sleepyboisinc Voir tous les classements