/ absolutely perfect.

this message may be offensive
get the fuck away from me. / after the moordorr

are you worried?

@6thsens "just harder to explain that to the younger two. more focused on the fact that they're not gettin' all of my attention." it was a big difference , with the abundance of courses , and the add on of hospital visits. especially when he had done so well in the past to make it seem like he was always around. "suppose not 'avin parents is good for somethin' then , eh? more likely I'd win the lottery then go without seein' 'em all for a day." something he would never complain about.

@lovelang- ♰ i'm sure they understand, at least. university is huge, especially for the future. [haruhi replies, it's simple——but comforting sentence. a wry smile adorning his lips, the ravenette's head tilts off to the side.] i miss my sister too, i can only ever visit on the holidays or weekends, but lately my mom and i have been rocky. so i've been actively avoiding home for now.

@6thsens "they only judge cause they don't know the feeling." having a younger sibling to look after was like having another extension of yourself. one that moved and acted on its own — completely out of your control. "they're .. adjusting. the littles aren't used to me bein' away."

/ love love love

/ rest of the info will come later !

“ HOW THE MOST DANGEROUS THING IS TO LOVE. ” © info thread. dni.

TEXTBOOK ( 1 ) : INTRODUCTION original character , tied to the dark academia group. made by @saintbled ! world building can be found there. tw : child neglect and abuse , gore , murder , manipulation , trauma , blackmail , mentions of issues with food and malnourishment , blood , illnesses described in detail , hospitals