Watching the Oscars has gotten me in such a inspirational mood; who knows if I'll make anything out of it but I just thought I'd share that it's a nice feeling.
Watching the Oscars has gotten me in such a inspirational mood; who knows if I'll make anything out of it but I just thought I'd share that it's a nice feeling.
You know what really sucks?
Realizing you actually hate storms because the uncertainty behind them makes you feel anxious whilst one is currently happening.
kimberly actually published something new?
(it's something a bit out of my comfort zone but i really want to give it a shot; sending you the loveliest of virtual hugs if you give it a look. ❤)
unravellings of a wallflower is finally finished! yay!!
(this has been quite the work in progress for me, so I'm proud that I was able to come to an ending I was happy with!)
(you could give it a read if you like, now you won't have to stress about when it'll be updated hehe.)
So I voted today..and I feel really anxious about it because it kinda just hit me as I was voting that this was really happening and now there's nothing I can do about how the chips fall. Why does anxiety have to make me feel bad about something that's out of my control (in terms of results) anyways?
The times when you feel anxious for a reason you can't quite pinpoint are the worst; the icing on top is when it's 3:45 in the morning and all you want to do is go to sleep.