
Peeps, it's time for a new story about our favorite Arshi.
          	Set in 2023, New York, it will take you on a breathtaking journey across oceans and continents. For when has Arshi ever been contained?


Hey Lovely,
          I love your stories. Just found them yesterday. Any plans of continuing  air beneath my wings


@charlenerozario Thank you for your love and reviews! With regards to Air Beneath My Wings, I lost a huge part of it due to some gadget issues :( I want to continue it but that would definitely be late next year.


Peeps, it's time for a new story about our favorite Arshi.
          Set in 2023, New York, it will take you on a breathtaking journey across oceans and continents. For when has Arshi ever been contained?



Hello fam! 
          Now you can read some of my original rants and ramblings on Instagram. 
          You guys have been so so wonderful to me!  Calling one, calling all to my fresh insta handle @i_am_aware_i_am_rare where I post about my thoughts and experiences.  And will be posting about my upcoming original stuff as well. 
          Welcome to my new abode! 


It's arshi short story, where Arnav, Khushi and lavanya working as a college professor. Arnav and lavanya were engaged but later Arnav fell for Khushi and I don't know but both family were against arshi relationship and Arnav break the engagement with lavanya. Arshi left the home and were married. But there is no witness. Arshi was happily in their life away from their family. After some days Arnav had accident and he forget Khushi and their marriage. Arnav family took him to their house. In the hospital lavanya announced she is pregnant with Arnav child. And Arnav didn't remember about their relationship. Family forces Arnav to marry Lavanya. Arnav tell Khushi to forget him or something like that. At the day marriage Arnav make Aman to sit in place as he is the lavanya's child father. Khushi fainted seeing their marriage as she thought it's was Arnav and after that arnav found Khushi is pregnant and married.


Hey Folks!
          I have good news and bad news.
          Firstly, my phone with the upcoming chapters for Air Beneath My Wings, When I Look At You and Arshiverse broke down a few weeks ago and I haven't received it back yet. It's been a difficult decision, but I had to let the phone go along with all those local files. The bad news, all those stories are on indefinite HIATUS. I cannot guarantee when or how I'll redo those months of work. I'm truly sorry to my fam who had been waiting for the upcoming chapters for those.
          Now, to compensate, I did start a fresh new Arshi ff. The Unexpected Swipe!

          The first few chapters of this story are up, with a millennial Arshi fighting destiny. Or maybe running towards it? Read to find out!
          P.S. I'll be more careful to backup my work.
          Much love! ❤️


Hello, hello!
          Ah, this break has been eventful. 
          So, what's new you ask? For one, Air Beneath My Wings is unpaused. The latest chapter is up, here 
          The other things is that it's been a year on Wattpad and my Arshiworld that all my ideas are too scattered to focus on multiple plots at a time. So, we'll be completing one story at a time. 
          Much love! ❤️ 


Hello people! Thank you for showering so so so much love on my debut ff Love Me Like You Do. It's been such a long journey with this one. I can't believe it's hit 35k reads!
          I hope you will be able to give the same love and appreciation to my other ffs as well ! ❣️


Hello people! I know I have not completed my other stories, but because I'm not going to be writing for the next few weeks, I thought I'd give you a different treat.
          I have published a new story. Another take on Arshi. A dark take. 
          Let me know what you think of it!