Heyo yall!
I wanted to give an update on Chapter 7: Western Troubles. I'm happy to report that the chapter is halfway done! No idea on a release date, though.
So here's a teaser to keep yall occupied!:
The building in front of them looked like a standard typical western looking sheriff office. Everything in the Wild West environment of Starr Park did.
A woman with bright purple hair and yellow bandana on her neck entered out of the building. Immediately noticing the two of them walking up toward the building, greeting them..
"Oh! What a surprise. Hey Larry and Lawrie! Whatcua doing here?" She waved at them.
"Hello, Shelly! We came to gather any new information about the Goldarm Gang." Larry explains as him and Lawrie entered inside. Shelly entering back inside with them.
"We did have a run-in with them yesterday. It was just Belle and Sam, though. Pearl wasn't there." Shelly begins to inform them, "We- Well, I have it on file. As usual, I had to do all of the work..." Shelly grumbled at the last part, her frustration of her partner evident.
Shelly couldn't begin to understand what went on in that stupid head of his.
Even more so that people love him to begin with! He was mostly just a pretty face. Sure, he had some skills with the dual pistols but.... He was a total dick.
Constantly shouting about his beauty and acting like he was better than others. Then, as soon as he lost in something (whether it be a Brawl Battle or a silly little contest), he would act like the opponent was at fault. Either accusing them of cheating or claiming he was 'going easy' on the opponent.
It baffles Shelly that he was still this popular with the attendees of Starr Park.
The star attraction at Starr Park.
Heck! Even his last name was Starr. However, the public didn't know that.