
Hi. If you haven't seen it yet, I have published my new book, and I look forward to seeing everyone who is interested!^^


The feeling when you plan a chapter for days but are unable to write it, then come back to it months - or even a year later - and it surpasses all your imagination how different you write it now and you like it much more than the original. I think it's priceless, at least that's how I feel now, and I don't regret writing the sequel until now. With Taegyu and taking a year off, everything feels completely different, and I feel like I can bring much more emotion into it, because Taegyu is my everything.


          Yesterday I re-watched one of my favorite kdramas and immediately remembered the book on my laptop that inspired it. Taegyu wasn't originally paired in it, and I started writing it last year. I finally reread the parts today and decided to rewrite the main couple to Taegyu and the other members' names. There are eight long chapters written so far, and I feel like I don't want it just sitting on my laptop without anyone else reading it. I will try to continue and rewrite the previous parts. I wrote it last year, but I feel like it's not the real thing, and I have to write more emotions. The next Taegyu oneshot is also in the works. I try not to disappear, and I really really want to write so that others can feel what I feel, experience what I do. I'll try, so don't forget me!^^
          Tegnap újra néztem az egyik kedvenc kdrámám, és azonnal eszembe jutott róla a laptopomon heverő könyvem, aminek ez adta az ihletet. Eredetileg nem Taegyu a páros benne, és még tavaly kezdtem el írni. Ma végül újraolvastam a részeket, és úgy döntöttem, hogy átírom  Taegyura a főpárost, és a többi tag nevére. Eddig nyolc hosszú rész van megírva, és úgy érzem nem akarom, hogy csak úgy  a laptopomon legyen, anélkül, hogy más is olvassa. Megpróbálom folytatni, és átírni az edigi részeket. Tavaly írtam, de úgy érzem mégse az igazi így, és muszáj még több érzelmet beleírnom. Készül a következő Taegyu oneshot is. Próbálok nem eltűnni, és tényleg nagyon szeretnék írni, hogy más is érezze amit én, más is átélje azt, amit én. Igyekezni fogok, szóval, ne felejtsetek el engem!


Sziasztok! Mégis visszatértem, mert nem tudok írás nélkül meglenni. Úgy tűnik, hogy képes vagyok írni, ha mást nem is de oneshotokat, vagy rövid történeteket. Mindenkit várok sok szeretettel ebben a könyvemben. 
          Hello! Still, I'm back because I can't do without writing. I seem to be able to write, if nothing else, oneshots or short stories. I welcome everyone in this book with much love. I decided to write the same story in English and I hope I managed to convey my feelings through my story.




To all my followers and everyone in the world!
          Today I brought a Taegyu book because I feel that it doesn't get enough love and I have to support it. I owe a lot to this book and would like to recommend it to everyone. BUT! it's read only by those who like sad, tearful, heartbreaking and tragic books. Please give this book and the author lots of love because they deserve it! <3 This is the most beautiful, saddest and most wonderful book I have ever read. This book is everything to me, and I don't know what I would do without it. If I can't write anymore, I should at least support those who create such a miracle with their two hands. 

          @yeounjun_is_my_nonna Thank you for everything once again! <3


@lovely_writer_31 I have no words. Thank you so much  


          Nem tudok írni. Képtelen vagyok szavakba foglalni a fájdalmam, a szenvedésem, hiába szeretném. Egyszerűen nem megy. Úgy tűnik nem nekem való az írás, így azon gondolkozom, hogy letörlöm az eddig feltöltött valamiket. Nem is tudom minek nevezzem őket. Maradok az olvasásnál, és a sírással talán ki tudom adni a fájdalmam egy részét. Köszönöm azoknak, akik eddig olvasták valamelyik "könyvem", és sajnálom, ha elszomorítalak titeket, de nem tudom folytatni őket. 
          Nem hinném, hogy sokmindenkinek hiányozna az írásom, mivel eleve a Maze in the mirrornak (Taegyu) alig van megtekintése. Szóval ezennel hivatalosan is vége a rövid írói pályafutásomnak. 
          I can't write. I'm unable to put into words my pain, my suffering, no matter how much I want to. It just doesn't work. It seems that writing is not for me, so I'm thinking of deleting the things I have uploaded so far. I don't even know what to call them. I'll stick to reading, and maybe I can release some of my pain by crying. Thanks to those who have read one of my "books" so far, and I'm sorry to make you sad, but I can't continue them. I don't think many people will miss my writing, since Maze in the mirror (Taegyu) has hardly any views in the first place. So this is officially the end of my short writing career.


@adrianiniasta thank you so much, you're so kind! ❤️ It's okay that you can't read my book, the hungarian language is one of the most difficult anyway. I'm glad that at least i can read in English. Maybe one day I'll be able to write again, but until then I'll taking a little break. I'm sorry I haven't read yours yet, but I will, I'm just not well lately, and sometimes reading is difficult too. 


@lovely_writer_31 ohhh no! It's sad that you lost your writing passion... And i'm also sad that I wasnt really able to read your story cause my hungarian isn't that good
            But I hope you don't give up completely and maybe just write something new in the future! Who knows, maybe you'll give a try writing in english??? I know writing in not native language is hard but in wattpad English is hudge advantage that opens you door to wider audience and having more readers is always great motivation ❤️


Valaki nem akarja lefordítani magyarra a Jar of Hearts  című Taegyu au-t?  Hálám élete végéig követné az illetőt. Nagyon szeretném olvasni - magyarul -, de az angolom eléggé hiányos, és így nem tudom élvezni rendesen. 
          Bár kevés esélyt látok rá, de azért megpróbálom.


Valaki nem akar írni, egy igazi szomorú, sírós, és végtelenül romantikus Taegyu könyvet? Please?? 


@lovely_writer_31 ooooh, that's so nice of you! Tho my book is neither very romantic nor very emotional haha, i'm usually sticking to the comedy.
            I will dm you and attach my fav emotional and romantic Taegyu stories! ❤️


@adrianiniasta Ohh thank you so much! I actually gave up reading about them in hungarian, and for almost  a month now I've only been reading english fanfics about taegyu. I have added the english fics i have read so far to my Taegyu list. I still have your book "Reclaiming Youth" in my library waiting to be read. But i welcome your recommendations, in case you write something that is not  already in my library.


@lovely_writer_31 My hungarian is really, really rough but if you don't mind reading in english I can recommend you some!