// Sorry if I'm very on/off on this account uwu please excuse my absence. If you guys wanna do whatever, I'll most likely be on this bootiful bitch of an account- @KitziKat69 //
// Sorry if I'm very on/off on this account uwu please excuse my absence. If you guys wanna do whatever, I'll most likely be on this bootiful bitch of an account- @KitziKat69 //
"Oh, well that's depressing," Bonnet commented quietly. "But don't worry, I haven't been very active as well-"
Blush then dusted her cheeks. "Have you seen Bon-Bon lately?"
She giggled. "I don't have legs, silly!" Bonnet noticed the parrot on Dune's shoulder. "Ooh- who's that?" she asked, pointing to the bird.
// Don't apologize XD I love rp //
Bonnet's left ear flicked a bit in curiousity. She had never seen a fennec fox before; the only fox she knew of was Funtime Foxy, but that was mainly because she lived six feet under the ground along with the Funtime animatronics. She smiled, though, her green eyes glistening. "Heya! I'm Bonnet! I think you have a pretty name! Pretty like cotton candy!"