Hi, I have a story ideal oh I've been thinking about this story for a very long time, I would like to see someone to take my ideal and turn it into a short story. It is about a girl named Mackenzie but goes by Mac and she has a in regular heartbeat. she can make her heart stop beating 3 to 4 beating and a very rare blood disease the red blood cell make more iron and the white blood cell only make little over 1/4 blood flow cause her to have a weak immunity system and stay colder. She has to get half a pint of her blood withdrawal every 2 to 3 months. She has a very irregular period which related to her having an IUD. And because she hasn't been to the doctor in 8 years her body has became infected and now she has a blood infection and her body goes from freezing cold to running a high fever which causes her to get very sick for her body to reject the infection in her system causing her to throw up blood, and have occasionally nose bleeds.

@RADS2K She is 23 years old and living out of her car. He saves a kid who runs out in front of a vehicle and get hurt in the process it was all caught on camera by a news channel that was film in the area about a upcoming winter storm moving in. But she ends up walking away from the accident after she sees that the boy is all right. The news camera crew tries to figure out who the person was that saved the boy from the car along with the police officers that arrive on the scene after she had left. It's not until she shows up at the ER from helping a lady who fail on a sidewalk and hurt her left wrist. The lady that she helped tell the doctors if it wasn't for Mackenzie that she would have probably broke her hip or worse. But before Mackenzie can make it out of the ER she's in so much pain from her shoulder being dislocated and her right arm broken along the side of her having a high fever from her blood disease, that causes her to pass out. Is with the help of Michael Clifton the bone doctor who fixes her broken arm, and Luke Hamilton the heart doctor who becomes a fascinated with her that she is in so much pain and sickness that she still thinks of others before herself. Luke ends up falling in love with her and does anything he can to help her get better. Along the way she ends up moving in with Luke and they start a relationship together. Mac is a funny soft hearted person who really doesn't care much about herself, it isn't until being with Luke that she starts to actually want to live her life. Along the way she struggles and battles with suicide attempts drowning herself in the tub) with the help of all four guys and Luke's love that she finally finds her place in the world. I hope that you would be interested and taking my ideal of a plot of a short story and writing about it.