hi readers! ROB under niriels i dah edit. so, tiada unsur unsur lucah yang berlebihan. there's one chapter that i unpub because it contains dirty content. i don't know that chapter will publish again or not because it's FULLY dirty. i already try to contact niriels for edit that part. there's one chapter yang i cut jugak sampai tinggal 300 words sahaja. sorry guys. if ada chapter yang tak sambung storyline, direct pm me okey? i tak ngap orang. if korang tertanya why i edit, the answer is easy, i nak tulisan yang bermutu bukan bernafsu. i'm sorry if tulisan under account ni ada buatkan sesiapa hype/high. i pun baru read story under niriels tadi. sorry okey guys. if still ada dirty content, direct pm me too tau. i tak sempat read all the chapter cause i ada story nak completekan. thanks for your time, my lovely readers.