
          	i no longer write fics about real people, nor so i support shipping real people like i did when i was sixteen. i am very, very grateful for how writing for the jaspar fandom helped me develop my writing but i can say with 100% certainty that i will never, ever be returning to this account, or to this fandom at all.
          	that being said, if any of y’all are reddie shippers (richie and eddie from it, or just any of the losers club ships from it in general), then i currently have 30+ fics on ao3 (and plenty more to come) as well as a tumblr account dedicated to it content. my username for both is sunsetozier and if any of y’all want to follow me/read what writing now, over two years after posting on here, then please feel free to do so.
          	i hope you lovely people are having lovely days, and thank you for everything this account did for me back when i was sixteen


I agree with this 100% about shipping real people and I’ve also left the fandom now, but honestly your story was incredible and I would seriously recommend changing the names of the characters and a few details to fit a new story and send it to a publisher or something - I loved it back when I shipped Jaspar and it’s still one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read xx