
Hello, I just wanted to tell you guys that I won't be able to write a chapter until early january. I just moved and my wifi isn't set up yet so I can't even write on my phone or computer, im using my friends phone right now to write this. But I promise the minute I get my wifi up, I will drop a one chapter of each one of my books.


@ lovelylittlebird23  congratulations on moving ❤️


Hello, I just wanted to tell you guys that I won't be able to write a chapter until early january. I just moved and my wifi isn't set up yet so I can't even write on my phone or computer, im using my friends phone right now to write this. But I promise the minute I get my wifi up, I will drop a one chapter of each one of my books.


@ lovelylittlebird23  congratulations on moving ❤️