
Maybe I should write "Death Do Us Part, but it's just breathing" because the amount of times I've had to write "she/he breathes," "they breathed," or "sighs" is aSTrOnOMicAL!! lol


I'm finally on the part I've been waiting to write for a while in "Death Do Us Part!!" The Valentine's Day ball!!!  Expect a lot of romance and some sprinkles of spice from now on.  This marks the halfway point of the story. (I think.) Thank you for reading this story. I hope you will continue to enjoy it until the end.
          (Also ironic how the picture I used for the chapter says "Happy Halloween" and the first line is literally "Valentine's Day." )


If you live in southern California or far northwest in Mexico, you may have heard the news about an approaching hurricane. Due to possible strong weather conditions (if there may be one in my area), I may not be able to continue writing "Death Do Us Part" for a while. I'm nearly finished with the next chapter, so I hope the storm won't be bad to the point the wifi is knocked out.
          If you live in the Southern California or Northern Mexico area near California, please stay safe and indoors if the weather gets bad. I pray we power through this storm and go back to more lovely days.