
Proud to say I have finished Chapter 9 already including editing. I am now in the middle of writing Chapter 10. :)


Well, I decided to "follow" instead of just a message!! 'Cides, gives me a chance to read your work. When might be a bit of an issue though, I have a LOT of reading lists (all in an attempt to manage genre's and keep track of what is read from what is BEIGN read) and a ton of books to get through.
          Also, I was not beign 'kind' only honest, and as a response to what you wrote in your profile. I really hate it when people sell themselves short.
          Regards and respect, R


@RaymondMcDonagh awwww that is so so so sweet! :( Thank you <3


Good luck to you, all the best for your pregnancy, and if by chance the occupant has been born into the world by now, Hellow to you too!! Welcome to the world!! As you prospective Momma/Actual Momma, you don't have to give up your dreams, just moderate them, or find alternative ways of making them come true. Love and respect, R


@RaymondMcDonagh This is the kindest message I have ever recieved. I thank you for wishing me luck and encouraging me! 
            I hope you have a wonderful day, message me sometime!