
          ❏♡” • Te invito  a que le des una oportunidad a mi nueva historia Inmarcesible . Me ayudarías mucho si le das apoyo . Soy nueva en esté mundo y me gustaría tenerte entre mis lectores , espero que estés bien y  si no lo estás espero que mejores , recuerda tomar  mucha agua  .


Hi! I hope u dont mind me posting here but I was wondering if maybe u can check my account out? I write different kind of stories and as of right now im working on two BTS stories, I’ll really appreciate it if u do (ofc u dont have to). Thank u!>3


          hi hi i have published a new fanfic 
          featuring NCT NAKAMOTO YUTA.        
          please check it out on my profile, 
          it is called TOP!¡BOTTOM / YUTA’ ! 
          and if you're bored, feel free to check out my bts and nct series ! 
          hope you enjoy it !! thanks and ly