
yeah im ok now.  i still have a bit of a hard time breathing but other than that im good.  i didnt find it scary but other people did.  people kept telling me that i could die from it and crap.  they were over reacting.  my brother has it now.  :(  poor baby.  i love my big brother.  i feel so bad because he got it when he was away in orlando and he had to come home early.  he wasnt even around me at all when i had it so he didnt catch it from me.  hes almost better though.  thank god.  


i had the swine flu and im getting over it so i wont post for a tad bit longer.  i actually had it when i posted that chapter.  i needed something to hold everyone over so thats why the last chapter was more of a group thing.  i couldnt concentrate enough to even think about jersey and aiden.  lol.  DARN THAT PIG DISEASE!!!!