National mental health day.
October 10th 2018
Although sometimes it can be hard, and you feel like you are alone in your thoughts. You are not alone. Other people feel like that too! Even if you are not a sufferer of mental health issues yourself you’ve had those bad days. For everyone going through something whether it be anxiety, depression or anything else, I know it’s hard but I promise you can get through this. You can be strong. I’d be lying if I told you it was easy and you’d feel amazing the very next day. But everything happens for a reason, you are here for a reason. Even if you don’t see that know, you will see it eventually.
If anyone ever wants to talk about anything I’m always free to be that person, I won’t judge or tell you what you should do. It’s your own personal battle. But know I’m just here to listen and be a friend to anyone who needs it!