
It's been a while, huh? I'm thinking maybe I should pick back up on 15 Miles Long. I think my first goal is to rewrite what I already have, because when I started it my grammar was horrible, and it's improved by a LOT. Then I'll start on some new chapters, hopefully sometime finishing it in 2017. I'm also going to be starting a new book inspired by my personal life/experiences, but not directly about me, if that makes any sense. And I'll also see what I can do about some of my less popular books that were never finished. I hope everybody is still around to read my new content. Stay tuned. 


It's been a while, huh? I'm thinking maybe I should pick back up on 15 Miles Long. I think my first goal is to rewrite what I already have, because when I started it my grammar was horrible, and it's improved by a LOT. Then I'll start on some new chapters, hopefully sometime finishing it in 2017. I'm also going to be starting a new book inspired by my personal life/experiences, but not directly about me, if that makes any sense. And I'll also see what I can do about some of my less popular books that were never finished. I hope everybody is still around to read my new content. Stay tuned. 


I'm trying to accommodate my schedule and daily life so that I can write more. Tomorrow is the first day of second semester yayyyy only like 18 weeks left of 40 hours of torture a week! Blehh that's a while. Oh well. Anyways, come back soon for more updated books, and possibly the starts of some new ones!


Is it bad that I forget what has happened in my own book? Haha, the new chapter of 15 Miles Long
          Is published! I think it's a pretty good chapter. I'm proud of it. Enjoy!
          Also, I started a new book! It's called Secluded. 
          Check it out sometime, please!


I'm writing a chapter for 15 Miles Long tonight!!!
          Sorry for not updating it, I have been trying to come up with ideas for it to be honest. I left a cliffhanger at the end and even I, didn't know what was going to happen. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Oops. Anyways! Updating it tonight. Thanks for following me & reading my books! Stay beautiful. :*


I'm going to publish many chapters of '15 Miles Long' soon, because I want to get to the rising action in the story, which I'm sure everyone will be shocked about. But like I mentioned, the book will have lots of twists and surprises! Anyways, I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far. I'm a young writer and it's my first book published online. 
          But my point is: I'm publishing a lot of chapters in a short period of time because I want to be able to write the exciting part soon!
          15 hugs,
          P.s. Happy Holidays!