
yes i would. it is called- Kidnapped on My Graduation- the link is- Maddie is out having the time of her life, when she is rudley interupted by men at gunpoint. She is taken to some big mansion, where she meets the hottest guy she has seen in her life. What will she do?- and the genre is kidnapped/romance- but beware ther is only 1 chapter at the moment and i have more stories though. if you want them them you can just tell me!


Hey, Fellow Wattpader!
          I was just wondering if i could take up a few moments of your life and ask you to please read my story! it's called "A New Town, A New Life, And... Him?"
          If you're wondering what it's about, well the title says it all! =D
          And if you like that story, then Please feel free to check out my other ones!
          "My Hott Journalism teacher and Me..." and "Tortured and Loved"!
          Thanks for your time!!


          I was wondering if you could check out my story it's called `wish came true...unfortunately`I have the first 9 chapters up. I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and vote, comment, and become a fan if you want. 
          Thanks a lot, 


           Hey I was wondering if you would read my story
          It's I'm in love with a vampire!..Pssh when pigs fly!
          I'm sorry that this is annoying ha
          Anyways pleas vote and comment and what not! :]
          And I'll return the favor! :P
          Please you'll be like my bestestist friend ever!!
          Jk just a friend! lmao :D
          Anyways please vote and comment and I'll do the same!
          Thanks XD
          P.S I'm a dead smiley face D; WHy?


Hey there! 
          If you've got some extra, bored, time; I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto ri es and comment on it! (voti ng , f anning, and whatever ar e a ll o ptional, its the revi ews I nee d!) I'd love to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig ht annoy you, but anything i s greatly appreciated! Thanks f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra ns pl ant to Manhattan, obsess ive to p student who actually pro cras tinates everything, and b ound of Ivy; future care erist and c urrent fortune tel ler. U ntil-- that is--she fin ds out everyth ing she aced is more o r less a ben trevato-- so good bye model student and strivin g socialit e--and hell o demons layer/alche mist and automatic industry ty coon--t hat is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elves. Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savvy mega­corpo rati ons, of underworld crimin al ru le, resistance in this m obocra cy is futile wh en your King ca n be your dish washer i n one da y. Intergala ctic best seller an d future O ligarch, K ronos fød t av Mø rke’skala soon finds out ho w his fickl e world migh t cha nge--with his help too. 
          Pride, Prestige, and The Undead--Okay, what can I say? If you're intersted in financially and/or politically powerful teens (but mostly not snobby) who go to and elite boarding school but find themselves slaying zombies instead, this is definitely the story for you! And there's the much less-used African myths and shamans involved :3 
          P.S. I know you get a lot of these, but I'll say it; I really don't think my main characters are Mary Sues & Gary Stus, they aren't gorgeous, extremely talented, maybe have one talent, but that's it. My stories also are not centered around one cliche relationship between two gorgeous people or whatever, and I really hope you can try comment! 
          Thank you for the time!


yes i would. it is called- Kidnapped on My Graduation- the link is- Maddie is out having the time of her life, when she is rudley interupted by men at gunpoint. She is taken to some big mansion, where she meets the hottest guy she has seen in her life. What will she do?- and the genre is kidnapped/romance- but beware ther is only 1 chapter at the moment and i have more stories though. if you want them them you can just tell me!


hI mY nAmE's BlackFlame_15 ..
          i'M w0nDeRiNMg iF u hVe d tYm 2 rEaD mY n0vEl eNtItLeD "A Demon's Forbidden Fruit" ..
          i rEaLlY c0mMeNts & sUgGeStIoNs rEgArDiNg mY wRiTiNg sKiLlS ..
          iT's oLrIgHt iF u dNt wNt 2 ..
          nce mEeTnG u BTW !! ;)


hey your comment would mean a lot to me on this story. Please check out:
          and your critique is also welcomed :) and if you like it.. please do vote. 
          if you'd be a fan.. that way i would know you at least responded! thanks a million :)
          and btw your background is really YUMMY =D


Hey ! (: 
          Please check out my story: The Girl Who Had Hope
          It's about a young girl who is diagnosed with cancer and tries to keep it a secret so she could live a normal life. it will also have some drama and romance later on so please read :D
          Also, If you'd like me to return the favour by reading ur stories, i'd be happy to. just let me know(:
          *hands you a yummy cookie*
          Thanks so mch