Call me pls . I desperately want that job . Pls accept my application. Ya Allah, mudahan inah rezeki kew Ya Allah. Jadeikan inh rezeki kew Ya Allah. Aaminn
Call me pls . I desperately want that job . Pls accept my application. Ya Allah, mudahan inah rezeki kew Ya Allah. Jadeikan inh rezeki kew Ya Allah. Aaminn
At some point, I used to wish I would disappear from this world
The whole world seemed so dark and I cried every night
Will I feel better if I just disappeared?
I was so afraid of everyone’s eyes on me
-To my youth BOL4-
I've been taking depression test for the past few weeks and it come out I have a severe depression. BUT it seem like nobody care about my life and they said I lied. Do people know how my feeling is? They just saw my fake happinest not my real one . SOMETIMES ITS SO HARD PRETEND TO BE HAPPY BUT I NEED TO BECAUSE NO ONE CARE ABOUT MY LIFE .
3 bulan pengak ayah tunad melew,and for the past 3 month juak lh akw payah gik megen kelem . Tapi bila pgk kalak megen akw a mesat gik maik . So pls just wake me up when I forgot all the thing