
its midnight but I really wanted to update my EXO Fanfic: XOXO ahahaha! The new update is out! Please check it out and tell me what you think! Thank you guys for everything! :)


Hi unnie! I just recently read EXO Fanfic : XOXO, and trust me I am now your certified fan!  I am a  reader with great standards and I find the story really really astounding! The plot and ideas are unique, and the way you portray it is just very explicit! ❤ I just want to say that I can see the potential in you as a writer, and that you're going to be a great one! I also enjoyed your other stories and I can't wait to read more. That would be all and please update EXO Fanfic : XOXO! My excitement is just overwhelming. Thank you so much for your hard work author-nim! Fighting! :)


Please don't loose hope, I know you'll do great. Someday, people will see how good you are in writing, so if you have a spare time might as well update hahaha but no one's pressuring you cause author have lives too! So I hope you'll do well in writing and in med school. God bless <3


@KimKai_diamond hi I'm so sorry I've been inactive recently because of school TT^TT but i just graduated and i have a few months till med school so I will be updating as much as i can! Thank you so much! I was so warmed when I read this since I kind of lost hope for writing recently I'll keep doing my best! FIGHTING~! Thank you love! <3