
Might do a one shot book of all my OCs from deleted stories, current stories, discontinued stories, and any other stories I wanted to do but never wrote (like One Shot x 10K, Akane x Kakashi, Skylar x Bellamy or Vince, Lucy x Gojo, Lyanna x Roman, Morgan x Snart or Constantine etc.)


Might do a one shot book of all my OCs from deleted stories, current stories, discontinued stories, and any other stories I wanted to do but never wrote (like One Shot x 10K, Akane x Kakashi, Skylar x Bellamy or Vince, Lucy x Gojo, Lyanna x Roman, Morgan x Snart or Constantine etc.)


Hi I was wondering if you think you can make a Twilight backstory starting around New Moon where the OC is a human (Alexandria) and something bad happeneds to her to the point it was a near death experience(you can go in many different details of what put her into a near death experience. Detail it however you want)and she later gets found by The Denali Coven due to her almost bleeding out, but since she's still young I'll say around (Jasper's age) she still have a life to live where the leader Eleazar turns her into an immortal where she later lives with them until The Cullens arrive where she will meet her mate Jasper. (and the OC is mix breed between the vampires from TVD and a Cold One. With the gift of Copy Cat, but she manipulate the gifts however she want.
          I'm trying to think of a great backstory but keep ending up with mind block. So I would be forever grateful if you could work your magic for this one.


I'm at that point where I wanna write another story but I don't have an idea for the OC, personality wise.


@VampireSiren I might do that for the second part of Stayed Gone as flashback filler chapters, but I depends on the show because I already have a few ideas where to go with it. I didn't want to start writing early in case something does happen during season 2 that interferes with it. And I'm bad explaining/getting to the point, sorry about that. I'm saying like - just as an example - if I wrote how Lizzie met Alastor's mother in Heaven and befriend her before she knew who she was, but in the show they reveal that she's been in Hell this whole time...or something like that.


@lovethebreeze Schizophrenic or with DID? Could be interesting. Or just have something where they're slightly insane but the readers (and said character) don't realize it until later in the book.


@VampireSiren I suggest thinking of little things first. Random questions, does she like code or hot chocolate? Does she enjoy the rain? If so what kind of rain… dark or when it’s sunny out with light rain. (Assuming its a she)