
I just want to say that I really appreciate you guys for reading my books. I have been in a one year slump and some of your comments have really helped me to get back to writing! And I can’t wait to finish my second book as soon as I can! So thank you for your hope and for not giving up on me! I appreciate it 


I just want to say that I really appreciate you guys for reading my books. I have been in a one year slump and some of your comments have really helped me to get back to writing! And I can’t wait to finish my second book as soon as I can! So thank you for your hope and for not giving up on me! I appreciate it 


I just want to say that I am going through some stuff which is why I haven’t been writing at all. It has almost made me want to quit everything I do in life. I know this isn’t the place to rant and people don’t even care. And I’m not whining. I’m just giving an explanation for the slow updates. People go through stuff and this year was a roller coaster for me. I’ll figure my life out and come back until then I hope you can accept the slow updates.


You’ll be back better and stronger than ever. I really hope you’re doing okay now❤️❤️ Sending you much love


I don’t know why but I can’t comment on the latest update of your story but absolutely amazing and please update soon 


Idk why that’s happening. And I will soon!


For Entangled Relationships 


Hi! It'd be awesome if you check out my SidShra fanfic, 'And the rain fell'. Maybe you'll like it? And if you do, don't forget to vote! ;) and i promise to update it soon. 
          And p.s. please update 'Entangled relationships' soon, I can't wait to read further.
          Goodnight. ♡


No worries! But I need u to update 


Thank you... means a lot.♡


Sure I will check it out!


Hi. When are you updating your books?


Btw feel free to ask me any questions or concerns I would love to answer anything 


I’m just a slow writer. If I don’t like something I erase it and rewrite it until it feels right which is very time consuming sometimes. Also, I’m a very outgoing person cause I like ceasing the moments and writing is a hobby so when I’m free I write which is not a lot cause I go out with my friends a lot and I have school. Hope that clears your questions and thank you for liking my books I really appreciate it.


Hey. I really really really love what you write. You describe everything so well, and I feel as if I'm there in the scene. But why've you abandoned your books? I mean they were going so well. Why did you stop?


I’m still writing Entangled Relationship but I just don’t like writing my first book anymore. It just doesn’t feel right.