
Sorry actually I pressed the publish button mistakenly and it got published even before I could write the ending part. It's here ! I hope you like it ! 


@lovewords04 no worryit is just a mistake... 


@lovewords04 thanks author and no need to sorry 


Unnie please upload an obsession or half hell half heaven  ✅and please update before 12 july please  don't pressure your self as you have to write other stories also....LOVE YOU it is just a simple request if you are busy then no need to be in hurry....I will definitely read your new story as you are a good writer ✅


Hello dear ,how are you? I hope everything is good.
          I have request can you carry on your YouTube stories here “In love with criminal"and “50 shades of evil..." .
          You leave that on half. These stories are so amazing.
          And I really wanna read further. It's a request dear. 
          If it's possible then please complete the story.


@lovewords04  glad to hear that. Take your time as much you want. I will wait. I was just curious to know if u can write that stories again but it's a relief to know that you will try and thanks for that. 


@GoldieMj5  I will try genuinely to complete those stories here !! My touch of writing has been broke since I stopped YouTube. I can't write with same passion now but still I m trying... Once I completed this two stories I will try to complete them. ✨


Sorry actually I pressed the publish button mistakenly and it got published even before I could write the ending part. It's here ! I hope you like it ! 


@lovewords04 no worryit is just a mistake... 


@lovewords04 thanks author and no need to sorry 


Hello everyone I hope you guys are doing good ! Rainy season is already here... So take care of yourselves !! Ik you all might me wondering why ain't I posting next episodes but I m trying to. I m emotionally fade up now that I m not in sense to write anything. But I m trying. I will update soon.... Love you ! Stay with me guys ! Will write next chapter soon ✨


@lovewords04 hello author please upload your this ep again I am not able to open it 


@lovewords04 ok author take your time we are there for u always and take care of your self also dont stress too much love yaaa....❤❤❤


Hello everyone sorry for disturbance ... 
          One girl has copied my "fell in love with bodyguard story" ditto from YouTube... I want your support and please do comment and report her profile 

          Thanks ! ✨


@lovewords04 she did same with mine but my readers reported her almost all but why her ac is not getting deleted?


Hello everyone ik you guys are waiting for the update ... My exams are gonna be held until 29 may ....I will be a Lil bit busy ... Hope you guys will understand.... but still I will try to upload next parts in the gaps of papers.... Also someone is copying my content somewhere.... please let me know if you guys know about it ...! Keep the patience and thank you so much for 15k + reads !