
tony: *banging calculator on the table out of aggression*
          	steve: hey, don't be mean to the calculator. would you like it if i banged you on the table?
          	tony: ...
          	tony: really, rogers


/      I choked on my patriotic snacc


/ what ' s up BITCH 
          ballory .. ballory hadn ' t seen tony for a good month . she was still trying to fix up her bakery and get that aching feeling that something wasn ' t right off her chest . but , finally , she had made the trip to stark towers . a quick hello to happy , with the usual gift bag , and she made her way up to where the billionaire usually lounged around at . part of her was ecstatic , having not seen the man she so helplessly fallen for in so long .. yet , the other part feared the new him . the aftermath of what everyone told her was ' the endgame ' . 
          gripping the bag in her hand , she shook off that nonsense and sucked in a brave breath . too late to back out now . as the doors open , she stepped in and tenderly called his name , " tony ? are you here , darling ? i .. i came to visit . " why did she sound so timid ? it was just tony , the legend of a man who crashed behind her bakery , flirted with her , had a very intimate night with her , and then stole her breath away . the man she loved , yet she was scared . damn her for being scared .


;   hi tony - I see you’re back to tony  (: 
          war was over and people we’re still trying to settle into their normal lives .  for avengers it was especially hard , with their losses and grief and even carol had put a stop to her hero life , taking a break with the avengers who we’re still there . still breathing . 
          “ I don’t understand . “  carol sat on a stool in the kitchen , staring at the complicated coffee machine . 
          “ how is this supposed to work ? “   she rose her eyes to the brown haired man sitting at the table , twirling herself on the chair . 


tony: *banging calculator on the table out of aggression*
          steve: hey, don't be mean to the calculator. would you like it if i banged you on the table?
          tony: ...
          tony: really, rogers


/      I choked on my patriotic snacc