Readers, Followers and friends,
As much as I love this account and spent a year in it, I don't feel like I want to write. No, this is not for attention and yes, this is my crappy explanation for the lack of updates. I'm sorry about many things, like not wishing you a Happy 2017 or ranting about trump but I need to focus on the real life and lifting my self esteem. Sadly, writing does not help that.
Sometimes I feel useless to my friends here or in real life. I have lost an online friend due to my shallow view on brexit (Again, I was young, immature and wanted to go with the trends without knowing anything). So I'm not exactly quitting my Wattpad account, but I'll just try to make some friends and get some tips.
I'm going to recover for a while because I want to know why I started writing in the first place. I want to go back. And I want to learn. Man, I used to LOVE writing all the time, but now, I feel empty minded and running out of words.
This will also be a good exercise for a soft person like me. I have to learn to voice my opinions and problems out. I have to fix myself first before using my lessons to fix others.
"Yes, reading, writing, singing, winning, they will get you somewhere. But discovery gets you everywhere."