this message may be offensive
She literally starts these arguments HERSELF cause all I'm doing is laying in my bed and she comes busting in our room demanding to know where her computer is (when it's really downstairs on the couch but she didn't look). Then, when she's leaving she try to take my charger saying she needs it; even though her charger is right next to her computer. After start saying "the charger isn't yours, it's the schools....." type bullshit but the charger is mine right now the school GAVE me the charger for the computer so it is mine for this short period of time. I started calling her a hypocrite cause she says the same thing about the wifi box (the school gave her to help her work)and how it's hers but the charger isn't mine. When she knows she got caught in her bs she started to insult me like "you're a fat piece of shit who don't do nothing but lay in bed all day". Of course I'm going to be in bed when you're around. You always leave and only come back early in the morning to do your schoolwork and zoom meets and I usually go to sleep till 5am(cause I can't sleep in heat). So duh, I'm not about to be awake at 6 or 9. I help out our mother with her jewelry business most of the day. So no ma'am you're statement is invalid (except for the fat part),have a terrible day. Sorry I just wanted to rant well, I hope you guys have a beautiful amazing day.